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Indian Academy for Sports Dentistry (IASD)

Indian Academy for Sports Dentistry (IASD) an initiative by Indian Dental Association (IDA) is a forum for dental professionals interested in treating and preventing orofacial trauma; advising athletes and coaches on the importance of good oral health and its impact on performance and working with fellow professionals at major sporting events.

The intension behind initiating IASD was our findings that athletes have a neglected and underestimated Oral Health and it directly influences their performance. In the current era of competitiveness, even milliseconds count for winning medals, trophies or breaking records. Thus, Indian Academy for Sports Dentistry's Certified Dentists are the game-enhancers involved in the optimal performance of athletes.

Activities include the collection and dissemination of information on dental athletic injuries and the reinforcement of research on the prevention of dental injuries to athletes.

The IASD also hosts an annual symposium consisting of scientific and business sessions dealing with this growing health care concern.

Vision and Mission

Vision : It is our vision to create awareness about traumatic dental injuries among professionals and the general public and promote innovations.

Mission : Promote the advancement of relevant research pertaining to Sports Dentistry – and implementing the delivery of high quality clinical care in prevention & management of traumatic dental injuries by certifying Sports Dentists.

Certifying dentists

IDA’s Academy therefore imbibes dentists with a relevant edge of expertise and confidence to advise sporting association on dental issues, treat athletes and support medical colleagues either in the ‘field’ or as an advisory capacity in the surgery.

Dentists certified by us are not just any dentists -- they understand the complexities of practice and game schedules and strive to accommodate athletes' needs, both during and outside regular clinic hours.

The academy focuses on issues dealing with the dental needs of athletes at risk of sports injuries, including contusions, tooth fractures, TMJ, jaw dislocation, and other injuries commonly occurring in athletes of high-risk sports such as football, martial arts and basketball.